Tahoe Marine Salvage

Salvage, Dive and Deep Recovery

We lift anything!

Boat Salvage

Delicately Lifting Your Precious Property

We use state-of-the-art Sub-Salve Air Bags and a crane boat to refloat boats, move or remove moorings, and anything requiring a lift of over 5000 pounds plus. Oil and fuel containment is our top priority protecting Lake Tahoe the best we can in a bad situation for our client and environment.

Specializing in re-floating boats sunk on Lake Tahoe is our most requested job. 

Dive Specialists

Lake Tahoe Commercial Divers

Years of Commercial Diving Experience and over 20 in Lake Tahoe alone!

We are commercially trained in the necessary resources to handle any of your dive requirements.  Small jobs to large surveys and inspections of water pipes, golf course pond repairs, and support for contractors on docks and lifts.

Intake and outfall systems, pipeline networks, cleaning anything underwater.

4k Camera Inspections

Deepwater ROV

Water Inlet Inspections, Invasive Species Evaluations, and Much More!

Deep recoveries using our ROV is just the beginning of our services. Water inlet inspections, mapping the infestation of Invasive Species anywhere in the country.

Lake Tahoe’s only ROV recovery company for lost items at depths too great for divers. Commercial dive companies call us when the safety outweighs the situation. Call 7752301116 

Our Mission

Safely recover boats while ensuring the least amount of damage to the environment. We maximize technology and have over 25 years of experience as a Marine Engineer and Salvage Master.  

We’ve recovered items in depths of over 400 feet. 
Call 7752301116 or e-mail [email protected]